Information about the coronavirus seems to be changing by the hour — creating unprecedented uncertainty. There is an excellent reason to feel unsettled, anxious, or jangled.
Uncertainty triggers a stress reaction.Under stress, our brains depend on instinct rather than rational thought because the part of the brain responsible for critical thinking is busy dealing with the psychological reaction to stress. This reaction not only impedes our ability to get things done, but it can also create a paralyzing loop of anxiety.
So, what do we do about it?This program is based on Eliz’s new book, Stress-Proof Your Heart, as well as her research on stress. It offers four implementable strategies to:
About Eliz Eliz Greene is ridiculously excited about stress. She not only finds the chemical reaction in the body caused by stress fascinating, but stress is also her favorite topic to speak about, write about, or discuss in line at the grocery store. With a surgically repaired heart, Eliz also knows stress management isn't a 'nice-to-have,' but rather an essential survival skill. Surviving a heart attack at age 35 while seven months pregnant with twins propelled Eliz on a mission to share her story to inspire other busy people to pay attention to their health.
For nearly two decades Eliz Greene has traveled the country sharing her story and down-to-earth, well-researched methods to improve heart health and limit stress. Eliz is an author and writes a Top Health and Wellness Blog. She was named as a Top Online Influencer on Stress and Heart Health She's been profiled on CNN, PBS, Lifetime, TNT, and has been interviewed on countless national and local news programs. Find her at